Jodie Faster – JDS


Music & lyrics by Jodie Faster /// 2019
Recorded by Nicolas Tarridec / BBK STUDIO
Mix & master by R3myboy
Drawn by Tommy Knuts.
Animated by Mika Faster & Tommy Knuts.
Edited by Mika Faster.

Talented, smart and funny
There’s no reason why
You’d persist in self destruction
Telling me these lines :
“Stop that black noise in my head
I need to shut everything down
Life is pain, all is vain
And I can’t stand myself anymore…”
James Dean Syndrom !
Rock bottom ain’t no place for you
Fuck’this world I’m gonna take care of you
I’m scared I will lose you, pissed off I don’t get why
No matter what I try you’re still crying around.

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